This, my lovely readers, has been a LONG time coming! Basically everyone who has had a meeting with me or is unfortunate enough to have known me personally over the past six months has been bored to tears with hearing about the “coming soon I promise” La Petite Anglaise YouTube channel…
Said channel was initially meant to launch before Christmas. Then early in the New Year. Then pre fashion week, post fashion week etc etc etc. Well obviously it didn’t launch then, partially thanks to a crazy schedule and a lot of logistical and technical issues. Mainly though, I was kind of terrified. YouTube is a step into the relative unknown for me. I’m not of the Zoella generation who’ve grown up watching it over TV but I am of course well aware of the explosion of YouTubers, their vast global reach, popstar level fame and, most importantly, the very genuine and in most cases wonderful impact they can have on their viewer’s lives. It’s impressive, mind boggling, bizarre, daunting and empowering all rolled up into one very strange, net gen phenomenon. So, in an already super saturated YouTube world, I wasn’t entirely sure what I could bring to the table. I thought about traditional vlogging – makeup tutorials, chatting from my sofa, doing daily tasks in a lolz way on camera – and realised that wasn’t the way to go. There are so many incredible YouTubers out there who do all that brilliantly, I could never hope to compete or be one of them. Not only are my video making skills even worse than my photography ones, that kind of angle would feel at odds with what you see on this blog. Instead, the La Petite Anglaise YouTube channel is going to (at least try to) bring you slick, beautiful, fashion focused content, exciting collaborations and industry insight. I really, really hope you enjoy it! This intro video is just a taste of the kind of stuff that will be coming and there will be something very special arriving on the channel tomorrow.
Subscribe to La Petite Anglaise YouTube channel here. And don’t forget to tell me what you think of it!
Love Ella. X